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Brainwriting Template

Add quiet ideation to your brainstorming to generate and improve upon ideas with the Brainwriting Template.

About the Brainwriting Template

The Brainwriting Template is a powerful tool for collaborative idea generation. It enables teams to generate and organize ideas in a structured and efficient manner. By using this template, teams can tap into the collective creativity of their members, encourage participation from everyone, and foster a culture of innovation.

With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, our Brainwriting Template simplifies the brainstorming process and helps teams unleash their creative potential. Whether you're looking to solve a problem, explore new opportunities, or spark fresh ideas, the Brainwriting Template is a valuable resource for driving team collaboration and generating innovative solutions.

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What is brainwriting?

Brainwriting is a dynamic technique for generating ideas in a collaborative setting. Instead of the traditional approach of shouting out ideas, brainwriting involves writing them down individually. Here's how it works:

  1. Start by providing each participant with sticky notes or a designated space to write down their ideas.
  2. The first person in the group writes their idea on a sticky note or in their designated space.
  3. It's now someone else's turn to contribute their idea. They write it on a separate sticky note or in their designated space, ensuring it is different from the previously written idea.
  4. Repeat the process for a predetermined time, typically 10-15 minutes, allowing each participant to generate multiple ideas.
  5. Once the time is up, the group gathers and reviews all the ideas collectively.
  6. Engage in a discussion about the ideas, exploring their potential, and identifying common themes or unique perspectives.

By using brainwriting, participants have more time to reflect on their ideas before sharing them with the group. This approach accommodates different thinking styles and encourages even the shy or introverted participants to actively contribute their ideas in a group setting. It fosters a collaborative environment that promotes creativity and encourages the exploration of diverse perspectives.

What is a brainwriting template?

A brainwriting template is a pre-designed document or digital tool that provides a structured format for conducting brainwriting sessions. It serves as a visual framework to guide participants in generating and organizing their ideas during the brainstorming process. The template typically includes sections or spaces where participants can write down their ideas, allowing for individual contribution and collaboration.

A brainwriting template can be a physical template with designated areas for writing ideas, or it can be a digital template within a collaboration platform or software. The purpose of the template is to streamline the brainwriting session, provide clarity on how to capture ideas, and facilitate the subsequent review and discussion of the generated ideas.

Using a brainwriting template offers several advantages, such as maintaining organization, promoting equal participation, and ensuring that all ideas are captured and considered. It can enhance the effectiveness of brainstorming sessions by providing a structured approach to idea generation and facilitating a more focused and productive collaborative environment.

How to run a brainstorming session with the Brainwriting Template

Running a brainstorming session with the Brainwriting Template is a breeze using FigJam's collaborative platform. Follow these steps to facilitate a productive session:

Step 1: Enter participants' names. Begin by assigning each participant a column in the template and adding their names. This ensures everyone knows where to contribute their initial ideas. Invite participants to join the board.

Step 2: Present the problem. Clearly articulate the problem or challenge you aim to address at the start of the session. Whether it's developing a new product or resolving a customer issue, ensure everyone understands the focus.

Step 3: Start writing. Once ready, participants can commence writing their ideas. Set a timer based on the chosen brainwriting structure, such as the 6-3-5 method. For example, participants write three ideas within 15 minutes, allocating five minutes for each idea.

Step 4: Rotate and build. When the timer ends, participants move their ideas to the person on their right. Start the timer again and encourage them to build upon or enhance the existing ideas in the template.

Step 5: Conclude and discuss. Repeat the process for additional rounds as needed. Conclude the session by facilitating a discussion to review all the ideas. Consider voting on ideas or clustering similar ones to identify patterns. Continue the conversation to determine the best way forward.

What are the benefits of brainwriting?

Brainwriting is a powerful technique that fosters inclusive idea generation, stimulates creativity, and streamlines the ideation process. Here are the key advantages of using a brainwriting template:

  • Increased Idea Generation

    Brainwriting encourages a higher quantity of ideas compared to traditional brainstorming. With participants writing down their ideas, it eliminates the potential dominance of a few voices, leading to a wider range of diverse ideas.

  • Enhanced Idea Quality

    The structured nature of brainwriting allows participants to reflect and refine their ideas before sharing them. This results in higher-quality ideas that have been well thought out and considered.

  • Equal Participation

    Brainwriting provides an inclusive environment where all participants have an equal opportunity to contribute. It helps overcome barriers such as shyness or dominance by certain individuals, allowing quieter or introverted participants to share their ideas without hesitation.

  • Collaborative Building

    The iterative process of passing ideas to others and building upon them fosters collaboration and idea development. It encourages participants to expand on existing ideas, leading to innovative and refined concepts through collective efforts.

When to use brainwriting

Brainwriting can be used in various situations where idea generation and collaboration are needed. Here are a few scenarios when brainwriting can be particularly effective:

  • Large group brainstorming: When you have a large group of participants, traditional brainstorming sessions can become chaotic and overwhelming. Brainwriting allows everyone to contribute ideas simultaneously, ensuring a more structured and inclusive process.
  • Introverted or shy team members: Not everyone feels comfortable speaking up in a group setting. Brainwriting provides a safe and anonymous platform for introverted or shy individuals to share their ideas without feeling pressured.
  • Complex problem-solving: Brainwriting is beneficial when tackling complex problems that require deeper thinking and multiple perspectives. It allows participants to carefully consider and build upon each other's ideas, leading to more innovative and refined solutions.
  • Idea generation in time-constrained situations: When time is limited, brainwriting enables quick idea generation. Participants can rapidly jot down their thoughts, allowing for a higher volume of ideas within a shorter timeframe.

Brainwriting FAQs

How do I conduct a remote brainwriting session?

To kick off the brainwriting session, gather your participants and organize your notes. Once prepared, invite everyone to share their ideas and pass the notes around for group input. Conclude the session by reviewing the notes and determining the next steps. For a seamless experience, try the user-friendly and cost-free Brainwriting Template.

What is the difference between brainstorming and brainwriting?

In contrast to traditional brainstorming sessions where active vocal participation is required, brainwriting takes a different approach. Rather than engaging in verbal discussions, brainwriting focuses on written idea generation and sharing within the group.

What is an alternate name for brainwriting?

Brainwriting, also referred to as the 6-3-5 method, offers flexibility in its naming conventions. This structure involves six participants generating three ideas within a time limit of 15 minutes. Alternatively, it can be adapted to a 4-3-2 format based on participant count and time constraints.

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