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Conversion Funnel Backlog Template

Bring together data that identifies potential pain-points and opportunity areas.

About the Conversion Funnel Backlog Template

If you're having trouble converting potential customers into actual paying ones, examining your conversion funnel can help you identify where the problem lies. This is especially useful for product managers in the early stages of their product's development, as they can learn from their mistakes and ensure future success.

The backlog of your conversion funnel consists of both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data is based on numbers, such as drop-off rates and potential pain points in your funnel. The qualitative data is based on words, such as the backlog of ideas and opportunity areas.

The funnel model allows your product team to focus on areas where users are dropping off. By knowing which stage has low conversions, you can improve those numbers and look for high-growth opportunities elsewhere in the funnel.

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What is a Conversion Funnel Backlog

A conversion funnel backlog is a way for your team to see all the different ways a potential customer might come to your website, and how likely they are to become a paying customer. You can use this information to figure out what changes you need to make to improve the user experience and encourage more conversions.

The Funnel backlog normally includes 5 stages:

Acquisition: From which sources do you find new customers?

Activation: How satisfied are your customers with your product or service from the beginning?

Retention: Do your customers return after their initial experience with your product?

Referral: Would your customers recommend your product or service to others? If not, how can you encourage them to do so?

Revenue: What are some ways you can increase the profitability of your product or service? One way is to improve each stage of the process, for example by coming up with new ideas or by tracking conversion and drop-off rates.

When to use Conversion Funnel Backlogs

There are many different scenarios of conversion funnel you can develop, including:

  • Registration and login funnels: What steps in the process prevent users from signing up for your product or service?
  • Tutorial funnels: Do users become confused by a performance issue?
  • In-app purchase funnels: Why are users abandoning the checkout screen?
  • Upgrade-to-pro funnels: What can you learn about the users who are most engaged with your app, and their behavioral patterns?
  • Level completion funnels: How can you balance easy and challenging skill level offerings with encouraging repeat users for gamified apps or experiences?
  • Search funnels: What results are you failing to deliver on your website?
  • Cancel subscription “winback” funnels: What are some ways you can use drop-offs to create conversions? What are some ways that re-engagement messaging or promotions can lead to acquiring customers again?

Create your own Conversion Funnel Backlog

It's easy to make your own conversion funnel backlog. FigJam's whiteboard tool is the perfect canvas to create and share it. To get started, select the Conversion Funnel Backlog Template, then follow these steps to make one of your own.

  1. Focus on the funnel stage with the lowest conversion rate. Update the in-between funnel conversion rate percentages by reviewing the conversion rate data from your analytics dashboard. Focus your team's energy (and ideas) on areas with the lowest rates (for example, revenue or referral).
  2. Your team should brainstorm ideas for how to improve low-conversion areas, and also come up with ways to maintain high-conversion areas. You can activate sticky note mode by pressing “N” on your keyboard or clicking on the sticky note icon. Use FigJam’s Countdown Timer to timebox the activity and review everyone’s ideas.
  3. Prioritize 1-2 ideas that you can take action on. It's important to get everyone's input on which ideas to prioritize in the areas with the lowest conversion rates. The Voting Plugin in FigJam can help with that.
  4. You should review your conversion funnel backlog on a regular basis. After collecting results and data from testing or implementation periods, update your conversion funnel. Drop-off rates may have shifted higher or lower down the funnel, so pay attention to which funnel stages need more urgent attention. Make sure to connect your results to a bigger impact by linking the conversion funnel ideas back to strategic planning documents like an Outcome Map, Milestone Chart, or your company’s quarterly OKRs.

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