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Project Organizational Chart Template

Employ the Project Organizational Chart Template to organize the staff for your upcoming project.

About the Project Organizational Chart Template

By utilizing a Project Organizational Chart Template, business owners and project managers can visualize all the personnel involved in an upcoming project. They can easily identify each person's role, the hierarchy of personnel, and the chain of command.

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What is project organization?

Project organization establishes the framework for executing a project. It defines the roles and responsibilities of team members, processes to be followed, and technology to be employed. The specific approach may vary depending on several factors such as project complexity, available resources, and capacity.

What is project organization chart?

A project organizational chart is a graphical representation of the members on your project team. It illustrates the project's organizational structure, the hierarchical relationship between team members, and each person's role. Project organizational charts help in clarifying responsibilities, securing buy-ins, and setting expectations for the group.

What are the 4 types of organizational charts?

There are four primary types of project organizational charts:

  • Functional Top-Down Organizational Chart: This chart depicts a conventional business hierarchy, where top-level management positions such as CEOs and CFOs are at the apex, followed by senior management, middle management, etc. The structure is frequently segmented into departments like IT, HR, sales, and marketing.
  • Flat Organizational Chart: In contrast to the functional top-down chart, a flat chart exhibits fewer levels. It contains minimal or no hierarchy between executives and other employees. The flat structure is frequently employed by smaller businesses to promote self-management and decision-making capabilities among team members.
  • Divisional Organizational Chart: This chart is structured by product or service type. For instance, in a clothing retail company, the chart would be categorized by the kind of clothing sold.
  • Matrix Organizational Chart: The matrix organizational chart promotes cross-functional collaboration by dividing employees into teams based on project or product lead and reporting to a functional manager.

Why should you use a project organizational chart template?

When undertaking a long and complex project, you are likely to encounter obstacles. Your project organizational chart can assist you in overcoming these challenges. Let's examine this (and a few other benefits) in more depth.

Identify hurdles: Employ the chart to recognize any potential roadblocks before initiating the project. This way, you can address issues proactively before it's too late. For instance, outlining the chart may reveal that additional salespeople are required for the project's success. Since the project hasn't begun yet, you have enough time to involve more salespeople to ensure everything runs smoothly.

It is essential to ensure that everyone involved in the project understands their role. A project organizational chart can be a helpful tool in achieving this objective. It sheds light on the reporting structure and identifies whom team members should contact when they require specific resources or tools.

To fully utilize the potential of all team members, it is crucial to assign them tasks according to their skills. The use of a project organizational chart can make it easier for you to determine which team member has the necessary expertise for certain tasks. This way, you can ensure that each task is delegated to someone with relevant skills, such as assigning website copywriting duties to an experienced marketing copywriter.

Who should you include in your project organizational chart?

It is important to have a clear understanding of who should be included in the core team structure when working on a project. This includes:

  1. The project manager who oversees the project and ensures that it runs smoothly.
  2. The project sponsor who provides support and resources for the successful completion of the project.
  3. Anyone involved in tasks related to the project, including those before, during, and after its execution.
  4. Stakeholders who play a significant role in the success of the project, rather than those with occasional involvement.

By including all relevant parties in the core team structure, you can ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members throughout all stages of the project.

How do you create a project organization chart?

After understanding the significance of a project organization chart, it is essential to learn how to create one using FigJam's template. Here are the steps:

  • Step 1 - Register for FigJam and choose the project organizational chart template. Signing up is free, and you can save time by selecting a ready-made template. Our collaborative workspace provides an ideal visual platform to design and distribute your project organization chart. Furthermore, our customizable template allows you to modify its text, images, and structure according to your specific project requirements.
  • Step 2 - Determine the personnel who will participate in the project. This step involves identifying the individuals who will be involved in your project. For instance, if you are launching an advertising campaign, you may require team members from marketing, sales, and finance departments.
  • Step 3 - Form a senior management team. The next step is to assemble a senior management team that has a vested interest in the project's outcome and is committed to achieving its goals. These stakeholders should be invested in the success of your project and dedicated to realizing your anticipated outcomes.

    It is crucial to enlist the following personnel for your project:

    • A sponsor who assumes ownership of the project.
    • A client who ensures that the project aligns with business requirements.
    • An expert who can provide valuable advice and guidance.
  • Step 4 - Allocate project coordinators. These individuals will synchronize and integrate team activities, ensuring that everyone stays on task and works towards achieving the project goal. Depending on the size and complexity of your project, you may need to appoint more than one coordinator to manage different aspects of the project efficiently.
  • Step 5 - Create the project's organizational chart. Begin by reviewing the roles and responsibilities of all team members involved in the project. This information can then be used to create your organizational chart. It is important to identify primary decision-makers, their authority levels, links between roles, and major stakeholder groups. The organizational structure is typically presented as a flowchart with senior management at the top, but other formats are also available.

Project Organizational Chart Template FAQs

How do you structure a project management team?

To begin, it is essential to define your project objectives. Having a clear understanding of the overall goal will enable you to create a relevant project management team. Next, select team members who possess the skills and expertise required to help you achieve your goals. Finally, create an organizational structure based on the hierarchical relationships in the company and the project's requirements.

Do I need a template to get an organizational chart done?

While not essential, using a template can save you time as it eliminates the need to start from scratch. Additionally, it ensures consistency in creating organizational charts for projects across the business. Representing all project personnel hierarchically makes it easier to visualize how the project will work and identify any gaps that need filling before launch. For those involved in the project, seeing the chart helps them understand their role in the broader context while also providing clarity on who they should report to or contact for questions or concerns.

What can you do with a project organizational chart?

Once your project organizational chart is complete, it can be utilized in several ways. It can assist with resource management, planning stakeholder communication, and assigning roles and responsibilities. Moreover, it can serve as the foundation for creating a comprehensive organizational breakdown of your project.

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